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Consent And Agreement

Consent and Agreement

I, the undersigned, parent/guardian of the above-named child, hereby give permission for my child to attend the church trip to Alton Towers, UK with The Teen Titans group on the 29th of June 2024.

I understand that the trip will involve travelling by individual cars and participating in activities at Alton Towers. I acknowledge that the church and its leaders will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of my child. However, I understand that there may be inherent risks associated with the trip and activities, and I agree not to hold the church, its staff, or volunteers liable for any injuries or damages that may occur.


I also give consent for my child to receive emergency medical treatment if necessary during the trip. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me or the emergency contact listed above before taking such action.


I confirm that the medical and personal information provided in this form is accurate and up to date. I agree to inform the church of any changes to this information before the date of the trip.

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